How to create a corporate blog people actually want to read.

Whilst there is a lot of advice out there regarding how to create a successful personal blog, there is very little advice on the net on creating a corporate blog that people will want to read. This could be because social media experts are too busy blogging or it could be reluctance to share the approaches that actually work.

I recently came across a really useful article which I would like to share with you. It highlights so many of the issues I engage with in my social media consultancy work. I feel it will help businesses to understand some of those issues. I am always happy to share my expertise with businesses and StressFree Sites has a dynamic social media arm which will undertake your blogging for you. We also have links with an exciting young company who will provide video work such as described in the article.

The StressFree approach is to let us take the strain whilst you have time to concentrate on your core business; our approach, as always, is to offer low-cost monthly packages. Perhaps our social media package may help you.

Here is the link to the really useful article on this topic.