Twitter to selectively ‘censor’ tweets by country

Twitter has announced that it now has the technology to block tweets selectively on a country-by-country basis.
In its blog, Twitter said it could “reactively withhold content from users in a specific country”, but it said the removed content would be available to the rest of the world.

Previously when Twitter deleted a tweet, it would disappear worldwide.

A number of Twitter users have expressed dismay over the move, with some pointing out the adverse impact it would have on free speech, especially outside the US.

The micro-blogging service is said to have more than 100 million active users as of September 2011 and Twitter, along with other social networking sites like Facebook, has played a vital – if disputed – role in organising everything from the Arab Spring to the London riots in 2011 and it has had to balance local laws with free speech.

For more details please see interesting article from the BBC.