Appeal to other senses

How many times do you visit a website, see massive chunks of text without any complementary visuals, then promptly leave? I’m sure you can think of countless occasions – I know I can! Well do not let this happen to the visitors on your website.

On your homepage your website needs make impact and a lasting impression on a visitor, if you stand any chance of doing business with them. We believe this is done using large imagery which tells the story of your business – your unique selling points. Videos are even better as they appeal to visual senses and auditory senses – make sure you do not start the videos automatically however. Also ensure you post your video on a video sharing website like, as it makes it easy for your video to be shared and is automatically optimised on Google.

Only start to bring out the deep content, explaining your product or service, when the visitor is already interested in your business. Only then will they stay and read large volumes of text.

Remember, sounds should only be there along with a video. Do not put music on your website – it might make it atmospheric but many people listen to their own music when during the internet so it is just an irritation.